
2024-02-04 01:25:00





























You think you're so smart, you're a god now? Little boy.


Your path is gone. The only path left is the path to hell.


The gods cast their harsh voices at the garden.


No. I am not like you. I am different from you. I just want to save 月詠命..."


Sono was at a loss for words.


That's where you're being cheeky. We, the gods, will save Moon Wing. He doesn't need your help."


The gods spoke to 園, or rather, hit him with words.


Father," he said, "I'd rather have a cigarette. I'd rather have a cigarette.


"I don't have a choice. I'll give you a Marlboro Menthol.


I don't like menthols.


No choice. You can have a Marlboro Menthol as your father's cigarette.


You used to be a Seven Star.


I can't help it. 紫...


紫. Another one.


Another bottle? What a cheeky... What can I do?


One more.


You idiot. Don't play with me. I'm out of cigarettes too. My cigarettes are at ○○○○○○○。。。。。


Forgive me. Dad.


I already forgive you.




Now, get out of here.


I want to take the car out for a drive next week.


All right, I'll take the car. I'll drive.


Insurance is gray. Me.




All right, then.



2024-02-03 11:21:00

#21 月詠命のひとりごと2




そう!! “お腹がすいた!“






Now I can only think of one thing.


Yeah, there's only one thing.


You know what I mean? Hey!


Yes! "I'm hungry! "


As I write this, it's just before noon.


Sometimes you feel like eating a MacDonald's, don't you?


You who think you know what I'm talking about!


Dare I say Mos Burger today?

2024-02-03 10:18:00

#20 月詠命のひとりごと








What a pleasure to announce that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I,月詠命 , will be starting a blog: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am so happy!


Haru told me about it and I decided to write it.


From now on, I will write about my personal LIFE.


I hope everyone is looking forward to it!



2024-02-03 08:26:00


























「get out of here!」


































(Hysteresis Foundation, wheelhouse)




"Is that man out of the hospital? Where is Princess 月詠?"


He is currently out of the hospital, but there are concerns about her health, and the hospital is considering admitting her.


Urgent, urgent. He is currently in financial difficulties.


"Okay, transfer the cash. Do not let them know.


We've already transferred *million* from the local government. We're going to transfer an additional *million from the government.


Good. You've done well.


The princess has now successfully escaped from the cave of Heavenly Rock. It's just..."


What is it? Speak up.


Her rescue attempts have all failed. Her family finally rescued her.


It can't be helped. He and the baby are not family yet.






From now on...


From now on, we, the Hysteresis Foundation, will conduct a double operation, Operation 天鳥船 and Operation Donotdevide.


Isn't it difficult to conduct two operations at the same time?


"It can't be helped. He doesn't have much time left.


Which operation do you prefer?


Simultaneously. I'm sure he can change the world.


He will change the world.




(In a local city...)


The 園 is walking. He is almost blind, so he walks on a Braille block. He is heading for the library.




園 shouts as he almost bumps into a homeless who was relaxing on the Braille block.


The way to the libraryThe Braille block did not show the way there, so 園 got lost but managed to get to the library.


'Can I come with my 命


First of all, there are no Braille blocks. This is no good.


He spoke to the librarian in sign language.


Excuse me?"


The librarian looked puzzled.


The 園's hearing is almost nonexistent.


Get me a staff member who can sign."


He scribbled on his electronic pad.


"One moment, please... I'm sorry, sir. We don't have a staff member who can sign. No sign language staff.




The 園 was mildly surprised. It's a public facility..."


園 gave up the exchange with the staff and inspected the facility. They inspected the facility.


No Braille blocks, no consideration for the hearing impaired, no 命-saving wheelchairs, no Braille signage... The park was appalled.


園 was so disgusted that they spoke to the staff again on their electronic pads.


I want to learn Braille. How can I do that?"


The librarian yelled, "Hee!" and ran off to the back.


A male librarian comes out from the back.


He said, "Excuse me, sir, we have a staff member who can sign. I'm sorry, we don't have a staff member who can sign right now. We don't have a staff member who can sign.


"Just use the electronic pad."


園 lightly pointed at him.


I'm so sorry.


The male librarian brings some books in Braille. But they were almost all smooth, with no actual Braille treatment.


園 was astonished. Not all of the books were accessible to the visually impaired.


They are all so smooth that I can't study in them. I can't study because they are all smooth.


"Oh, you mean.... You are right. I am really sorry. I'm really sorry, but this book has all 50 syllables.


園 was too dumbfounded to say anything. He tapped his electronic pad.


If you need something, write it down.


Sono headed for the coffee shop.


2024-02-03 07:03:00

#18 (入院編終了していますが今回は入院編が混じります。 now we are writing now accident, but this is nyuuin-hen and now it)















"u out"


out. out.


He's too much of a free spirit. He left in zero seconds because he couldn't pay the membership fee. And he won't pay my dues.


Then we'll have to change the name of the 天月宇船.


"How about '天月船'? It's good for the five senses.


"天月船.... Cool.


"But Amano-san, you're his soul mate, right? Are you okay with that?




"But it can't be helped. Leaving because you don't want to pay the membership fee is disgusting.


It's no different than if you'd used the 羅武派's services and run away.


"Hey, it looks like Mr. u is still watching this."


"Wow, that's disgusting!

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